

我们的 Mission is to make the Chester River the best understood river in the world and 用这些数据在学校里教学生关于环境的知识.

The 分水岭创新实验室 (WIL) creates unique devices to help understand, observe, 教授并让我们的学生参与研究,向我们展示流域是如何工作的. 

From building water quality monitoring buoys to creating remote controlled boats to map water quality data, the 分水岭创新实验室 is a space for exploring the 创新技术带来的深度. 

The 分水岭创新实验室 also recruits students to help us deliver STEM programs 到K-12班. 这些项目包括从风筝空中成像到 为观察树木做标记,建造水下机器人. 





In the 分水岭创新实验室, we focus our efforts on monitoring water quality 在切斯特河. 我们的目标是建立与水质的相关性 the entire Chester River with agricultural practices and the occurance of rainfall. 

  • 水质监测浮标: We build buoys that collect and transmit water quality data, along with data for 水产养殖与工程. 这些浮标在切斯特河各处投放 for us to monitor, along with other bodies of water that are monitored by other organizations. 

  • 遥控船(ROVERS): In a project with NASA, we also build remote control boats (ROVERS) that collect 可以绘制的水质数据. WAC的学生正在帮助设计 these boats, creating the methodology of operating them, and learning the most informative 展示从他们那里收集到的数据的方法.

Sailbotz: We are also building Sailbotz, or unmanned sail boats, that collect and transmit GPS和水质数据. 

These are launched in global ocean currents to map the water temperatures, chlorophyll a,以及与NASA卫星测量相匹配的其他参数. WAC的学生 helping with the design of these boats and the use of the data gathered from them.






27英尺的科考船 月鲹 是用不同的遥感设备做出高分辨率的吗. 我们使用side scan sonar to map underwater habitat, multibeam to map the depths across the bottom, sub-bottom profilers to look at the geology beneath the river bottom, and a magnetometer 寻找沉船或其他载铁的人造物体的证据. 学生们 shown how to use the different systems that are available for independent research 以及高级论文.



我们为STEM教育创建项目. 这些程序的范围从创建一个水下 机器人,建造自己的浮标,用风筝进行空中成像. 请参阅下文 描述我们的STEM项目. 


Design, build, and operate a working underwater robot in a little more than an hour. 这 program has been used down to third grad and used right through professional 发展教育工作者和更多. 使用pv部件,池面,和一个控制器 wired with bilge pump motors, an underwater robot frame is built and connected to 一个30英尺(10米)长的绳索. Aquabotz可以用一个装在背包里的12v电池供电 be "swum" in a pool with a camera or used to pull a self-made (student constructed) plankton tow, The camera is used for observation and the plakton tow to examine after 这是为了看看水柱里潜伏着什么. 

Aquabotz can be purchased as a "ready to go" kit with, or without, an underwater camera. 有足够的部件允许多种框架设计. 控制器有保证 一年. Aquabotz与预建控制器,框架件和防水相机 - 400美元(电池不包括在内),加上运费. 想了解更多细节请九州娱乐官网 讨论项目需求. 包括NGSS课程计划.

样本Aquabotz 电池的背包 部署aquabotz
这是一个准备放入水中的Aquabotz样品.  The operator has the 电池的背包 on and is controlling the Aquabotz in the water 在她面前.  这个Aquabotz正在炫耀一个尼龙浮游生物拖在它后面. 经过几 minutes the robot is recovered and trapped contents are washed into a jar for further 显微分析. 该分析包括浮游生物和塑料碎片. 


We challenge all age groups to build a buoy that will break the “world's record” for the number of golf balls it can hold or how high it can stand without tipping over. 我们的 学生们将这个挑战呈现给我们两个县的K-12组. 小浮标 are built with PVC pieces that hold over 50 golf balls, or stand a meter high without 摔倒. 连接一个室内/室外温度计,形成一个观测浮标 它测量水和空气的温度. 为30名学生提供服务的BABs项目工具包 在某一时刻将作为用户资源可用. 一个网站上有唱片的照片 并打印成绩证书. 学生们离开时知道浮标在水下做标记 “道路”和收集/传输数据.

In a NASA partnered project, kites are flown with a device that takes pictures of 它能感知地面所含水分的程度.  学生们学习如何飞行 风筝完成了绘制飞过地面地图的任务.

  1. 农业的 – Concepts of agriculture and farming and ecology are explored to support sustainability. Demonstration gardens are designed, installed and monitored on school grounds.

  2. 鲍勃和弗洛斯 – Authentic data is measured and plotted using water quality monitoring systems 气象站. Visually explicit data changes (Data Fountain) are monitored through the day and shown 在公共学校区域安装的大型监视器上. 因果关系是可视化的 水化学,天气和土地利用之间的关系.

  3. 问题调查 – the skill of identifying social issues that pervade in environmental investigations 并使用真实的数据来支持不同的观点将被证明. 参与, 探索,解释,阐述和评估-在我们的节目中,6th “e” is added as “Empowerment” – which is defined as an “action item” where intrinsic Worth给课程增加了无形的价值.

  4. 它的电 – Educators work with solar panels and miniature turbines to convert sun and wind 电. 他们还用水果和蔬菜探索电池科学. 所有 所学到的知识将转移到K-12教室. 这包含了一个“绿色” challenge” where students work to reduce their school’s per capita energy use in competition 和其他人在他们的学校小屋. (增加模型铁路探索电路 & (运输)

  5. 这是给鸟儿们的 -教育工作者学习鸟类识别和基础鸟类科学. 建立链接 to climate and weather, biology, geography (bird migrations), and pollination. 30 双筒望远镜和鸟类识别书可派往学校. 鸟屋, Bee hives, Bat Houses, Butterfly houses and gardens are installed on school properties.

  6. K-12课程整合 杰迈玛% 20克拉克 works with counties to align all One Watershed programs with Federal, State, and 本地学习标准.

  7. Sailbotz – Using a free floating, unanchored “buoy” with a sail, we explore ocean currents and how to use this as a vehicle to connect students to foreign cultures, unfamiliar 气候和不同的栖息地. 

  8. 飞越领空 – Educators are taken up in an airplane and shown their watershed from the air.

  9. 感觉它 - electronic components and a multi-meter show educators how to build sensors that use voltage to measure change and use graphs and math to convert the voltage to physical 测量-温度,电导率,和更多. (改编自Liesl Hotaling, 感觉它)

  10. 地方感 – Research Boats, kayaks, canoes, and hiking are used to transit water bodies across the park limits, using observation and sampling devices to characterize the different 栖息地,并在公园和它的“教育者”之间带来“亲密感”. 这个PDM可以扩展 超过两天.

  11. 沉船 -在下列地区 水下文化 artifacts are identified, they will be imaged with seafloor mapping equipment and 确定了它们的历史和来源. 这个跨学科的机会 治理、经济、工业、社会历史、农业历史和技术. 水下 imagery has been plotted on 30’ x 25’ on billboard vinyl – students walk on it and 像在水下一样解读.

  12. StoryMap – Educators learn how to use handheld GPS units, computer based maps and online tools to create virtual and real fieldtrips incorporating learning objectives and storytelling 与当地地标相连.

  13. 树木环境教育研究 -校园里的树木都贴上了二维码.   每个标签都链接到映射的, 树木的GPS坐标、树种、高度和周长(1m). 照片被存档 在每年的网络搜索数据库中. 这些树被收养/分配给学生 在他们的整个学术生涯中(12年). 在未来,树木会 提取DNA指纹,并将这些信息存档在一个可搜索的数据库中. 这 计划的制定是为了满足所有年龄段的NGSS研究需求.

  14. 向上,向上,然后离开 飞行科学 – Kites, Balloons, Paper Airplanes, Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) are brought systemically 进入K-12教室. 教育工作者学习飞行科学和遥感以及如何 把它呈现给各个年龄段的学生. 选定的教育工作者将有资格获得他们的 合法驾驶无人机系统(UAS)证书.

  15. 虚拟实地考察- X,Y,Z – Use remote control boats and trucks to collect GPS referenced data – spectral imagery, 热测绘,测深. (规划)